

Your library management software

Outstanding range of functions – easy, intuitive and efficient to use


Library software

In about 30 years of close cooperation with librarians, we have continuously developed the WinBIAP library software, adapted it to growing requirements and provided it with new functions. The software architecture of WinBIAP combines the advantages of a modular concept with the advantages of an integrated solution.

WinBIAP supports you in all library tasks and adapts to the specific circumstances of each library. Enthusiastic customers and the recommendations from specialist departments speak for WinBIAP.

  • Time-saving and intuitive operation
  • Full integration of all well-known RFID and cash register providers
  • e-Payment solutions – paydirekt, ePayBL, SEPA, eCash
  • individual usage fees through various reader modules
  • family link in lending and WebOPAC
  • extensive and time-saving automatic dunning
  • three-level plain text system for adults, children and schools
  • simple possibility of general changes in the media catalog
  • Full integration of the EKZ media services in the acquisition module
  • 1-Click DBS Statistic
  • enormous range of functions
  • graphic visualizations


Catalog and acquisition

WinBIAP offers convenient tools for the formal recording and maintenance of the media inventory as well as its development and evaluation.

  • External data in all library standard formats can be transferred directly to the catalog or imported into a separate external data pool.
  • Data CD-ROMs are integrated in direct access.
  • Data available on the Internet (e.g. MABII or MARC21 format, Z39.50, web services) can be easily imported into the system in a matter of seconds.
  • Barcode or RFID information for the loan is easily assigned to the media via the item management.
  • The information content of the catalog and the presentation of the media can be increased by adding images, videos, PDFs or other files.
  • Lists of all kinds, signature and barcode labels are automatically created and printed by WinBIAP.
  • The magazine subscription management includes automatic issue counting, the printing of individual circulation lists and extensive article management.

In WinBIAP, the acquisition is combined with the cataloging to form a module. If desired, the media can be included in the database when ordering and are immediately available in WebOPAC.

The consistent use of the WinBIAP acquisition module enables complete budget management and budget control, even beyond pure media ordering. All expenses are broken down according to cost type and cost center. Integrated control mechanisms, such as the duplicate check, a delivery control with automatic dunning procedure, and acquisition statistics offer convenience and security.


Lending operation

Loans and returns, renewals and pre-orders.

In the clear input mask of the “Lending operation” module, you can carry out all work steps that occur at the booking counter in a matter of seconds.

The ScanPad saves you having to use the mouse. It contains barcodes for all important borrowing functions, so that you can easily control the software with the barcode scanner.

WinBIAP takes into account user-defined borrowing restrictions and calculates all periods and fees. Receipts are created and printed out automatically.

There is a connection to the user and media administration during the ongoing lending operation. New users can be created directly or existing data can be changed without having to switch to another module.

  • The barcode scanner with ScanPad accelerates all processes and makes work easier.
  • The printing of deadlines or receipts can be automated with a receipt printer.

The basic system settings are made in the configuration module. You create reader and media groups and thus control the loan conditions.

Deadlines, different fee rates, restrictions, display and processing options can be set individually. The personal settings regulate the access rights for individual persons or employee groups. The multi-tenancy of WinBIAP enables an optimal configuration for branch office operations.


The administration

The serial letter function enables you to print individually addressed letters or to send them by e-mail. Reader cards – including barcodes – can also be created very easily with a click of the mouse. You can easily design a layout template for this with Microsoft Word.

In addition to managing the reader data, WinBIAP offers you a revision-checked cash register module and an extensive, time-saving automatic dunning system. With a click of the mouse, you can create dunning letters and lists according to your specifications. Annual fees can also be debited from individual readers by direct debit if so desired.


Comprehensive statistical evaluations give you an overview and support you in building and maintaining your inventory, business analysis and target group orientation. A daily log provides information about the current processes at any time.

In meaningful daily, monthly and annual statistics, WinBIAP evaluates the various information on loans, loan times, inventory, readers and fees. This means that all quantitative key figures are transparent and readily available.

The results are visualized in clear graphics and can of course be printed out or transferred to other programs such as Word, Excel or PowerPoint via the clipboard. The data for the DB statistics are created automatically by WinBIAP.

Are you interested in WinBIAP or do you have any questions?

Mr. Siegfried Fendt will be happy to advise you

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Your WinBIAP Support

You can reach us on Mondays from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. & 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. From Tuesday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. & 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Telephone support

We would be happy to advise you personally


Simply ask your question by eMail

Your contact person
Datronic Team
Schulung & Support Vladislav Berg 0821/44009-57 v.berg@datronicsoft.de
Lydia Mücke 0821/44009-48 l.muecke@datronicsoft.de
Annabel Welsch 0821/44009-67 a.welsch@datronicsoft.de
Eva Liebl 0821/44009-68 e.liebl@datronicsoft.de
Alicja Golańska 0821/44009-69 a.golanska@datronicsoft.de
Margaretha Vordermayer 0821/44009-71 m.vordermayer@datronicsoft.de
Petra Schmalz 0821/44009-49 p.schmalz@datronicsoft.de
Technik & Support Domenico Hehenwarter 0821/44009-51 d.hehenwarter@datronicsoft.de
Marco Wittich 0821/44009-53 m.wittich@datronicsoft.de
David Klingelstein 0821/44009-52 d.klingelstein@datronicsoft.de
Marcel Müller 0821/44009-56 m.mueller@datronicsoft.de
Entwicklung Jürgen Mödl 0821/44009-50 jm@datronicsoft.de
David Golovin 0821/44009-45 d.golovin@datronicsoft.de
Bernd Unger 0821/44009-47 b.unger@datronicsoft.de
Huynh Pham 0821/44009-54 h.pham@datronicsoft.de


You can reach us on Mondays 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. & 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Tuesday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. & 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Telephone contact

We would be happy to advise you personally.

eMail contact

Simply ask your question by email

Your contact person
Datronic Team


Head of Sales Siegfried Fendt 0821/44009-46 s.fendt@datronic.de
Adminstration & Accounting Sylvia Winter 0821/44009-41 s.winter@datronic.de
Yvonne Müller 0821/44009-40 y.mueller@datronic.de